Repurposed Mosaics 2021-present

This series was born out my preoccupation with consumption and waste in art and production practices resulting in a desire to repurpose old artwork while addressing local environmental issues. The images I’ve manipulated and repurposed into mosaic “tiles” were previous artworks. I’ve “tiled” over repurposed canvas and painted a centerpiece “tile” atop. In response to unsustainble aspects of mass consumption, I strive to express myself in ways that feel environmentally conscious and ecologically responsible.

Art Garden (made for a Gowanus Night Heron project entitled Case Study) Art Garden is my first attempt to incorporate a living plant into an artwork. My case study has 3 different species of grasses; Spartina paten, Spartina pectinata, and Juncus effusus., all are wetland grasses representing the marshlands native to the Gowanus landscape. As Gowanus undergoes rezoning and development I echo community voices in advocating for increased green space, green infrastructure, public water access, and ecosystems that foster wildlife, remediate toxic damage, mitigate climate change damage, and benefit the community by integrating larger swaths of nature into the urban hardscape.